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My house has two dogs.
One is Puck is a hybrid and male.
One is Chess is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and female.
They are old dogs because they are fourteen years old.
Almost two week ago,Chess was diagnosed as Degenerative Myelopathy(DM).
DM is progressive illness and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) in human.
The German Shepherd has the highest incidence of DM in the world.
But the Welsh Corgi has the highest in Japan.
Her body is going to be paralyzed from hind legs until neck in a few years.
She gradually become a condition which can't walk well.
She finally become a condition which can't drink and eat.
Then we remember, the German Shepherd that we had previously was the same illness.
She already can't walk very well now.
I was thinking the reason is aging.So I was giving chondroitin to her.
But my parents took her to an animal hospital because she was dragging her hind leg(R) and was hopping as with rabbits.So we knew it.
She is going to need a wheelchair.We are looking for it now.
But she is still fine and can walk and eat.
She always eats too much(^_^;).
In any conditions,we want to support her with Puck.
They are cute! We love them!!

I'm a snail @@@.

May 19th.
I took this lesson.
I learned it from a new teacher in this time.
She is very cute teacher!
Is she younger than me(^_^;)?? I don't know(  ̄▽ ̄)
She lived in Osaka until April.
She likes the rock music.
She is sunny and interesting☆
But her speech is so fast(+_+)!!
And her voice pitch is high.
Although it's cute,I was hard to listen it(T▽T)
I want to make friend with her.
From this week, I'm going to challenge to a new program for three months.
I do my best!!

May 20th.
I went to Ginza in Tokyo with my mother.
We had Greek food for lunch.
It was very delicious!!
Saganaki cheese was especially so!!
I liked it.
I want to recommend everyone☆
After lunch,we went to the specialties store of some each prefectures.
I was thinking that I want to go to Kumamoto's store since when the Kumamoto earthquake happened because I can't go to Kumamoto.
Although the thing which can do for Kumamoto is limited,I do it that I can do.
We did shopping at Kumamoto's store and Iwate's store.
And we went to Gunma's store to meet Gunma chan.
I think Ginza has the most the specialties store of each prefectures in Tokyo.
I thought Ginza is one of the most interesting city in Tokyo.
After that, we went to the Kimono shop and I bought a Obi of turquoise.
We had a good time.

May 25th.
I went out for eating grilled meat with some co-workers after work.
Although I ate grilled meat after a long time,It was really delicious and I had fun.

Yesterday,I also took this lesson.
The lesson was all right.
After work and lesson,I was very tired(-_-;)
What is more,my tablet PC broke….
I don't know the cause.
Because of it, I couldn't use my time effectively.
I want to fix it(T_T)

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