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Long time no see.
I've neglected to write this diary for a long time.
I've had neither time nor composure because how to think anything changed these days.

I'm a snail@@@

First of all , I'll take the STEP test next month.
I decided it two weeks ago and applied.
I had been worried about studying English these days.
This lessons is very fun!!
But my abilities hadn't been developing much because I remembered to take the easy courses.
The vocabulary didn't so build up.
I couldn't listen very well.
I couldn't make sentences very well.
I told it to my teachers.
Then , my teachers recommended me to take some examination.
If so , I come to have to study hard.
It was very simple but was just “The scales fall from my eyes”.
So I'm here.
I went back to a student.
I'm studying for the examination everyday.
I do my best!!
I can pass it!!

It was sunny yesterday after a long time but it's rainy again today.
Today , I'm going out for lunch with my friend after a long time.
Because I stay home for studying in my day off these days.
I'm looking forward to seeing my friend.
I'm going to write later about today and about episode that I went to Kamakura in August.

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