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Today,I worked a lot.
I was very very busy….
I'm very tired.
But I enjoyed the lesson today too.
There are some new teachers in my school since this spring.
Today's teacher was Canadian.
He was a interesting man.
He coached me about the intonation in detail.
My pronunciation seem to sound funny to him.
He often laughed when I pronounced.
But it was so difficult for me.
“r”…It's difficult still(^_^;).
Sure enough, I could forget about work and unpleasant things during this lesson today too.
When I said so, he laughed again(  ̄▽ ̄).
I'm a snail@@@.
When I go out with my friend, it's usually rain.
It will rain tomorrow too.
We were going to go to the Ashikaga flower park for seeing wisterias.
But we abandoned our plan. Because my friend is an expectant mother.
She shouldn't catch a cold for the reason which now is the most important phase.
We're going to go for lunch.
Rain spoils holiday…(-_-;).
The negative thinking should change to the positive thinking.
It's the most important things for me.
I'm going to relax tomorrow.