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“These days” is the most convenient word for the title.
I often use it(  ̄▽ ̄).

I'm a snail@@@.

June 22th.
I was taking this lesson after work.
This time, I learned it from one of japanese teacher in the school.
We previously have met.
She remembered that I was saying that I often go to Kamakura then.
She was near my age and was cute lady.
She was going to California for studying English ○○ years ago.
I could talk to her a lot and had a good time during the lesson.
I thought I want to learn it from her again.
But she hardly ever teach this class , because the private lesson is main of her work.
Due to some reasons her student didn't come then.
So we were talking more and she taught me some her favorite drama for studying English.
I was glad to her.

I met a friend from high school days.
We went to see a movie in Saitama and had lunch together.
I told her about my episode of these days.
I complained of work to her a lot.
I was having stressful days for work.
She listened to enough it and shared feelings of me.
I could relax and cool down and am thanking her.
After lunch, we went to her house and met her son for the first time in a while.
When he was baby, I met him last.
He is 7 years old and likes “Yokai Watch”and is taking Shorinji Kempo lessons.
He was very cute and obedient and smart.
And he also could use respect language.
I had a lot of fun and was healed by him.

I went to meet my friend with a friend.
She had a baby last month and we went to meet her baby girl to her house.
I was relieved because my friend and her baby was fine.
Also a friend which went there with me, brought her baby girl which is 7 months old.
They were still so small and pure and looked like angels(*´ω`*).
Notwithstanding the age which is different only six months, expressions and actions were totally different too.
I'm looking forward to their growth.
We brought lunch boxes and had it and talked a lot and laughed a lot.
And we also had cake for desert.
I also had a lot of fun and was healed by everybody.

I and my co-workers had a farewell party for a former co-worker which entered work the same time with me.
We entered work the same time though, he is 8 years older than me.
So he taught me everything and listened to my complaint.
I thanked him a lot.
But we're not sad because we can meet anytime.
We're already going to meet in a few weeks because our co-worker is going to have a wedding(  ̄▽ ̄).
He likes humor.
He gave rice for us when he quitted work because rice is in his family name.
So we gave instant curries for him because we thought curry is the most matching for rice.
And I gave Japanese sake because sake is made from rice.
I relieved that he liked our present.
We had a lot of fun!!

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